Sunday, February 12, 2012

Oops, Late.....Monday, February 6, 2012

How was the party? Anything fun happen? We got to go tracting. Our ward here is split 50/50. Some say that watching football on sundays is an abomination in the eyes of god. Others say that there is no better way to relax and spend time as a family than to kick back with some nacho's and watch the Ravens play. Missionaries say, "Can we share a message about Jesus Christ with you, but before you answer. What's the score on the game?" Such is missionary work on the east coast. Then there was two years ago the two missionaries that actually watched the Superbowl. Retarded, but it happens.
Man. I can't believe that it was two years ago that I decided to go on my mission. Brigham's farewell day. Interesting to think about.

Its great to be excited to go, but if a mission distracts you from the here and now then its time to refocus your thoughts. 

Everyone has some aspect of a testimony. The more we share it the more it grows. If you don't share it you lose it.

But with some I am not well pleased, for they will not open their amouths, but they hide the btalent which I have given unto them, because of the cfear of man. Wo unto such, for mine danger is ekindled against them. 3 And it shall come to pass, if they are not more faithful unto me, it shall be ataken away, even that which they have. (D&C 60:2-3)

I did not get transferred. This is my first area where I'll be spending six months in it. I'm happy because I love Columbia 1st.

I'm going to head off to college as soon as I get home. I'm going to wait a few months then talk to President about applying for some colleges. He's VERY supportive of missionaries getting ready for college in the last months of their service. (He used to be a college professor of statistics) He lets them go home early if they run the risk of missing the start of a semester.

The teaching this week has been awesome. So we went by to try this less active member of the ward named Michael on sunday. He tells us "Look guys. I'm really not interested." Then his 11 year old daughter Samantha pops out of NOWHERE and catches him off guard, "Who are they dad?" "Church people," he says. "I'm interested!" came her response. He looks at us, "Gentlemen. The lady would like your card." So we give her a pass along card, tell her to give us a call and leave on our way. We get back to our bikes and realize we hadn't put our number on the card. We head off to finish the rest of our night. Tuesday rolls around and we're thinking along the lines of "He probably took the card away. Or he told her no. Or something like that." But we have the strongest prompting of the spirit to go back. We go back just as Michael is walking into the house. We knock on the door and Samantha answers it, "You're the guys from the church!" "Yes we are," was our response, "Is your dad here?" She goes off to get her dad. He comes back and we talk about how she was interested and if he'd be willing to let us teach her. He says yes and we set up an appointment for thursday night. We teach her the restoration and at the end of the lesson she agrees to come to church. She asks us about baptism and expresses a desire to be baptized, but it didn't feel right to talk to her about it without her dad there. We let slip that her dad is a member and as we're leaving she gives him the biggest guilt trip about being a member and not telling her. He just kind of brushed it off then agreed to drop her off at church on sunday. She comes to church on sunday and instantly makes friends with some of the girls in the primary. After church the Primary President comes up to us and asks us if she's taking care of the baptism or if we are. We ask her what she means and she tells us that Samantha has been telling the members that she's getting baptized in February. We said that we'd be taking care of it. So now we have another appointment on thursday night at 8 and we'll talk to her and her dad about baptism for the 25th of this month.

Good enough story for ya?

My suits are doing okay.  I just figured that if I need to I'll go to a thrift store and buy a coat and pants if mine get too trashed to use or are on they're last leg. After all. The two year burning item is a full suit. Six months: Tie. 1 Year: Shirt. 18 months: pants. 2 year: suit. I ride my bike whenever it isn't raining, snowing, or freezing butt cold outside. I'll ride in in the rain during the summer though. Just because the rain cools everything off. I've been cursed to be in half bike, half car areas the entirety of my mission.

But its good. It builds faith having to push yourself to do what hasn't been done before and achieve goals never attained. It builds testimony and diligence. These are Christ-like attributes that we are expected to perfect over time. I know that these things are for the betterment of God's children everywhere. I bear you my witness that they are what helps us be the best of God's servants on the earth. I do so in the name is Jesus Christ. Amen.

"Feed my sheep..."

Elder Christofferson

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