Wednesday, April 25, 2012

April 16, 2012

There are a lot of missionaries either leaving from home or out right now. I'm impressed. Hopefully they enjoy working in the Lords vineyard. I read Elder Hollands talk from conference again this week and realized there is a lot of repenting and a lot of forgiving that I need to do. Sometimes I hate how those men are so good at calling people to repentance. I also read President Erying's talk, Mountains to Climb. I don't think I'll ask for any Mountains to Climb yet. Let me just finish the Mission first then I might ask for a little hill or something.

So our area is right next to Ft. Meade Army Base. Its a Hot Spot for Military Intelligence Personel. NOBODY can talk about what they do, but you figure it out anyways. CIA, FBI, Secret Service, DEA, NCIS will all tell you who they work for. NSA tells you "I work for the Federal Government so I can't tell you what I do" to which our response is "Must either be NSA or Mercenaries." They get annoyed when you say NSA I guess. Oh well. There are a ton of less active members in this area who want their name removed from the records of the church. The bishop has told us not to contact them, but President Belliston tells us to ignore that request and go see them anyways. We take orders from President Belliston and coordinate with the Bishops and see what we can do to help the wards. But in the end President Belliston is the one who directs us in our missionary work. My money budgeting is going terrible right now. I literally am living off of peanut butter sandwiches and left overs from member meals right now. 

How many times to I have to ask you not to count time? You'll just make yourself trunky and then you'll make me trunky too and then no missionary work will get done. Just ask Cameron or Colton. I AM NOT A TRUNKY MISSIONARY!!!
Anyways. I hope you all are well. I know that Christ lives and guides his Church. I pray that we can continue to remember the easter season as the months go on. I do so in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

I also got a new companion. His name is Elder Rebaza from Bountiful Utah. I never get anyone from our neck of the woods.

"Feed my sheep..."

Elder Christofferson

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