Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Monday May 21, 2012

So this week was a slow week family.  We found some new people to teach.  A lady named Mira.  She's 18 and has a 1 year old son, but earlier in her life she had a miscarriage.  She called us one night and asked us if we do christening in the church and we told her that we'd answer her question at our return appointment.  Since we were going to be teaching her at a member's house it ended up working out great.  She was there before us and asked, "Where they at?!  I need my questions answered!"  We showed up and she beat the member to answering the door.  We were able to teach her from Moroni 8.  The Spirit was strong and she felt comforted knowing that she doesn't have to worry about her child at such a young age.  We've invited her to be baptized and she feels that that is something she can work towards.
According to Leslie one of the Missionaries in my apartment, Elder Jenks is practically my cousin.  I guess his dad and Uncle grew up with Leslie.  I'm pretty sure I have another cousin in the Mission.  Elder Holm.  I'm going to see if we can lay out our genealogy and figure it out.  He's a Spanish Missionary.  We'll have to see if it lines up.
I found out some other great news today.  A girl that I started teaching in Hagerstown named Delany is getting Baptized.  She's Tiffany's sister.  Tiffany is the one that Elder Schwicht and I baptized in Hagerstown.  Delany's dad finally agreed to let her get baptized.  I guess Delany has been reading the Book of Mormon and other Church Documents in the secret of night because her dad would always take them from her if he found them.  She finally confronted her dad about it.  He told her that if that's what she really wants then he'll give his permission for her to be baptized.  It made my P-Day ten times better before it even started.
I know that this gospel is true.  I know that for those who really come to know of it and stand up for it will be blessed by our heavenly father.  Never forget what President Monson said about standing alone.  http://mormonchannel.org/mormon-messages-for-youth?v=1634378330001 I testify that Jesus is the Christ.  He is our Savior and redeemer.  I know that Joseph Smith restored his church to the earth.  Thomas S. Monson is his mouthpiece today.  Of these things I bear earnest and solemn Testimony.  In the name of Jesus Christ.  Amen.
"Feed my sheep..."
Elder Christofferson

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